Saturday, February 21, 2009

Operation Cupcake

What better way to spend a Saturday than to bake goodies for people you love? My friend Catie, who more acurately fits in the "sister" category, has dreams of opening her own bakery someday, and her specialty — cupcakes! 

The other night while eating Indian food with her family, we decided it would be fun to bake for all of our friends, for newcomers at church and for people who may be going through difficult times right now. The result ended up being something I like to affectionately call "Operation Cupcake."

Catie was the baking master mind. I served as her sous-chef and also made little, handmade labels for our cupcake creations.

We wanted to broaden our cupcake horizons, so we decided to make layered cupcakes. Just like you would layer a cake, only more bite-sized. The results ended up being just as cute as they were tasty.  Catie and I enjoyed coming up with names for our baked goods as well. While "three story cupcakes" and "breast cancer awareness cupcakes" were both in the running, we finally decided on calling our creation "Obama cupcakes." I mean, why not name your chocolate and vanilla cupcakes after your newly appointed, biracial president? We found this to be both fitting and honoring.

I enjoyed getting to spend a day in the kitchen with Catie, hearing her talk about the collages she's looking at and singing along to The Weepies' music as though we were Deb Talen herself...

"In days to come when your heart feels undone may you always find an open hand."

Catie talks about whispering words of blessing over her creations, praying for the people to whom she's giving her treats. I hope the recipients of our cupcakes felt half as blessed as we did making them. 

1 comment:

  1. Look at you little food blogger you! What cute, funny cupcakes. Jess and I both had a good laugh over their name.
