Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Is it a Dragon?"

Wednesday nights I teach a C2 class (six and seven year olds).  Meet Juliet, Kevin, Dennis and Liam. I'm actually pretty crazy about them.

While I'm fond of all my students, I absolutely delight in these four. It is one of those classes teachers dream about. Besides coming to two hours of English class after being at school all day Wednesday, they are polite, they are energetic and they do a great job following instructions. 

Tonight we talked about animals — a thrilling topic if I do say so myself. I was so impressed by each student's participation and excitement about the topic.

"What is it?"
"It's a dragon."
"Is it a rabbit?"
"No, it's a dragon."
"Is it a bird?"
"No, it's a dragon"
"Is it a dragon?"
"Yes, it's a dragon."

And on and on we went. 

I think highly of my students who are not afraid to make speaking mistakes, and at the same time are correctable. They listen rather than making the same errors over and over. These four are all great at this. I wish I had their boldness and teachability when practicing my Mandarin. 

Take Liam for example. He is by far the youngest in the class and really struggles with his reading. He could so easily tune out of the class and passively participate. But he works hard and contributes great things to our class time. I see him each week get a little more comfortable with his speaking. It's fun to watch this growth. 

Juliet on the other is ahead of the game. She has the answer before I finish asking the question. And yet she doesn't have to be the one who always answers the questions. She's a team player, and she has the most welcoming spirit.

I love only having to teach one class on Wednesday because it's fun to pour all my energy and efforts into one class. Especially this class. 


  1. i always look forward to reading your much insight and questions that are good to ask about what God has for you. as you wake up each day and events happen -- this is what God had for you, this day!!! peace, cathie orozco

  2. Lauren! I saw your comment on our blog and had to visit yours. I'm glad you are writing about your time in China - it seems to be the exact place you need to be! I will be reading often and thinking and praying for you!

  3. Thanks for the pictures and the laughs! ~Jessa
